Thursday, October 25, 2007

A New Life

In a group of ducklings
I was the ugly duckling
Except I never grew into a swan
The beautiful white swan

I am just one person
Lingering among this group
One who haven't succeeded in life
One who've tried but luck turns bad

Perhaps when the snow falls
And when summer begins
A new life is ahead of me
And maybe...just maybe
I shall turn into a beautiful white swan


Anonymous said...

In a group of ducklings
I was the among beautiful
But there was an ugly duckling
The one that was least noticed
Or rather not noticed at all

I told her
Do not be upset
I told her
You are not the only ugly one

I didn't want her to be left out
Although it was embossed in my head
I'll always look better than her
She'll never look better than me

But when the flowers in spring blossomed
Summer scent filled the lake
Autumn leaves shed from branches
She turned into a beauty
A beautiful winter white swan

Suddenly I became the ugly one
The confidence that enveloped me
Somehow seemed to dissolve
Everything was a 180 degree turn

The future is difficult to predict
It is not always what they seem
Because I took the time to realise
It was not I that turned ugly
It was her that turned beautiful

Lend me your ears
You shall not turn into a beautiful swan
For you WILL turn into a beautiful swan

Anonymous said...

Honey, you ARE a swan.